Shafter Chamber of Commerce, 2006

Best Architecture, Sequoia Elementary

Sequoia Elementary School consists of 20 classrooms, 2 kindergartens, a library with computer center, and administration offices. Student interaction is a secure, efficient, and intellectually stimulating environment emerged as a driving force of the design theme.


A typical classroom cluster includes a common area shared by four classrooms to easily accommodate physical and visual communication. These shared spaced act as “pull-out” spaces for individuals and as the central hub for shared laptop computers used by the students. The clusters are organized into double-loaded wings to reduce construction costs and provide efficient student supervision. The buildings form part of the perimeter security, reducing the need for fencing and resulting in a more inviting campus. Bold earth tone colors of the sequoias and non-traditional forms were used to communicate to the students that this is an important and everlasting experience.

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