St. John’s Lutheran Church Campus Expansion
Design Team: Bob Jensen, John Cohrs, Larry Aronat
St. John’s Lutheran Church was formally organized in 1904. From its humble beginnings it relocated several times to accommodate its congregational growth and expanding presence in the community.
Project Details
Project Summary
Between 1993 and 2003 St. John’s moved all its ministries to a twenty-five acre parcel of land in southwest Bakersfield. In 2004 our relationship began with master planning studies incorporating existing facilities into a vision for the future. Initial development included an Administration Building and Children’s Daycare Center along with comprehensive site improvements. A Children’s Ministry Building, School Administration Expansion and Youth Building followed in subsequent phases. In 2010 a state of the art Worship Center and Sanctuary were completed for the church. The two areas accommodate a diverse combination of worship and presentation opportunities and are connected by a common lobby used for fellowship and informal assembly. The Worship Center is designed with theater seating for 850 and is capable of hosting concerts and conferences in addition to contemporary worship. The Sanctuary is a more intimate setting with seating for 300, acoustically designed for organ, choir, orchestra and traditional worship.
Children’s Ministry Building:
Square Feet: 8,000
Estimated Cost: $1.5 M
Includes an auditorium for presentations by children’s groups and three kindergarten classrooms.
Youth Building:
Square Feet: 4,000
Estimated Cost: $400,000
Incorporates an “industrial” feel on interior, garage door to open to exterior patio for music/presentations.
Square Feet: combined +/- 30,000
Estimated Cost: $4 M
Sanctuary: 1000 seats; contemporary worship setting
Chapel: 300 seats; traditional worship setting